Saturday, August 30, 2008

32 weeks, which means...

I am almost ready to pop. So does that mean if my belly button sticks out, I'm done? LOL! I saw that as a joke on one of these baby sites.

Anyway, I'm in my 32nd week, and I have at least 8 more weeks to go. You guys, I'm 8 months pregnant! Can you believe that? I am just amazed at how far I am, and how little time I have. So what else is there to do? Oh, yeah...have the little beauty...right, right.

Why did I have a dream last night about Iron Man, and he had a daughter, and he quit his job at the Ford factory, which was a part of the U of M campus? Then these transformers came out and were looking for him and his daughter...they were the dinosaur kind. And one was so tiny, just about the size of a small dog, but he was mean. Oh, and when Tony Starks quit his job at the factory, his boss was all like "What about your future? How are you going to take care of yourself and your daughter with no health insurance coverage?" And I was thinking to myself, man, do you not know who he is? He could buy your plant, restructure it, and still have money left over to buy your plant again and again for another 50 or more rounds! Bump your health coverage question, not to mention the millions he probably makes in stocks and junk. Come ON! Anyway, it was a crazy dream.

I'm going to go and clean up now. Got some shoes to put away, clothes to put away. I'm thinking of doing a huge ebay sale of some of the things I have, just to get rid of the clutter. I've got shoes I've probably worn only once, and I should sell them. Anyway, laters people!

1 comment:

Crystal Chick said...

woo! 8 weeks! now, here's what you do, get all your friends on twitter, so when you go into labor you can send a text to twitter, and it will notify us all at once.

but wait at least 1 more week, so we can get the baby shower taken care of before you pop, ok? :D