Wednesday, March 26, 2008

10 weeks, and still growing!

Okay, so today marks 10 weeks, and right now, not really showing. Actually, I don't think I'm showing, but I am kind of pudgy right now. My mid-section, right under my gut, feels kind of big, well, to me, kind of big. And I only feel fine once I either poop, or, well, go number 2...yeah, like you all wanted to hear that. But anyway, that's basically all for now. I'll have my next check-up on the 3rd of April, and I go for my genetics consultation on the 15th. So I'm looking forward to those things. WOO HOO!!

Bed time...G'nite all!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

9 weeks and almost 4 days...Happy Easter!

Just think...This time next year, I will either be getting or making a little Easter outfit for my little one. Since it's going to be a girl (of course, this is a guess, but anyway...ha ha), she will have her little dress all ready to go, and her little bonnet. Man, I am excited!

Anyway, it's now 9 weeks and some days, going on 4 on Sunday, and still, just a bit of gas, and being tired. Oh, and I'm not as sick as I used to be, so of course, I'm okay. Man, just can't believe it...I'm going to be a mama! WOO HOO!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

So I added this to my Myspace page....

Okay, I am super excited about this kid, but I have got to tell you...there were times when I was younger, when people would ask if I would ever think about having kids, I would give the same response: The day I have children would be the day I would bring about the appocolypse! Now, you may ask, why would I ever think that? It's because, well, I wasn't a bad child, by no means at all. But I was sneaky. Yes, I did things, and never got caught. And to this day, my family do not know the extent of my evilness. And when I would get into trouble, it wouldn't be more than "oh, so cute, but don't do it again", or something along those lines. My mother, however, knew I was far from the innocent child that my grandmother and the rest of the family thought I was. Now, don't get me wrong, I was not the demon seed of Satan or anything. I didn't set people on fire...just small insects and paper, that's all.

Anyway, I decided to post this:

Now I thought that this was perfect! I just have this strange feeling that my kid will be the one to bring an end to something...if not the world, at least world famine and all other evil deeds. I'm going to have a special child, no doubt...but how special, I guess that will be up to me and the All Mighty! Just pray for your souls, people. And don't put anything past him/her, cause I won't!

DUDE!! I found this one, and it's also posted on the page. This actually goes with the background.

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

8 Weeks and Counting!

Okay, so today marks the 8th week of my pregnancy. Nothing new to report, other than the fact that I have a awesome case of the explosive gases, and they are just so lovely. So nothing new. No new cravings, no new extended midsections, none of that. I have, however, been sicker that a mad woman on a date with Doctor Kavorkian, but that's to be expected, and can deal with that. I would, however, like to go home to sleep before choir rehersal tonight, but that ain't happening. Anyway, that's my report for the week!

That is all.

Friday, March 7, 2008

My Baby Bambi Peanut!!

Okay, so I was trying to be all big and bad today, try to be strong, tried not to cry, but it was too much to handle, and I broke down. I had my ultra sound, and this was the second one. The first one only showed about a quarter-sized dark area, and nothing else. It was where the baby would eventually grow, but still, it was too early to tell how far along I was.

Well, today, there is no question. I am officially with child. According to the ultra sound, I am 7 weeks and 2 days along. And it was awesome! I mean I was just lying there, with this wand thing, again, probing me, and I got to see my little peanut. I admit, I cried, just a litte bit. I was more amazed than anything though.

Then the tech was like "You want to hear the heartbeat?" Now why give up a chance like this, while lying in stir-ups? I said sure, and there is was: the fastest little heartbeat ever! I even got to see the heart beating. It was awesome, I tell you...AWESOME!! I am so excited, people, I just don't know what to do with myself! Well, I guess go to sleep for a bit. Yes, that is what I'll do!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I called for the doctor and the doctor said...

Remember those little hand games we used to play as children, on the playground, in the courtyard, where ever you stood before it was time for class to begin? I remember them. I remember them all to well because I still play those games, sometimes, with my niece. I think my niece gave me a little testing ground for this. Man...

Anyway, went for my second check-up. It was supposed to be for them to tell me actually how far along I really am. According to the last check up, and the last ultra sound, which was not very plesant because it was super early, I was only 4 weeks along. And being that I was only 4 weeks along, nothing but a little sac, probably about the sice of a penny, may be a dime, showed up on the screen. Not big at all. Couldn't even see what was inside there.

So today, I went back in, and they want to set me up for another ultra sound for tomorrow, possibly tomorrow morning. As you know, I'm about, or should be about, 7 weeks along. so that would make the little one about an inch, may be 3/4 of an inch, long. You can see an example of it here. NOTE: This is not the child of my womb. I haven't gone to the point to get pics yet and post them on the internet. That will come later. This is going to be interesting to see this. I'll be damn glad that I won't have to have that wand put up in a spot that I just didn't enjoy, thank goodness!

Well, I just hope that I'll get to go, depending on if the roads are nice and clear. We're not supposed to have any snow until tomorrow afternoon, so there shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Anyway, that's about it, for today. Got my prescription for my prenatal pills (the purple ones, not the green ones that made me pass out the other day and get no). I'll be dropping off that prescription later. For now, I'm sleepy. It's been a LONG day!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday!

That's basically what I thought when I found out one of the craziest things in the world. I found out that God, for real, has a great sense of humor. So much so that he decided that it was time for me to bring a life into this world, rather than allowing me to take one out, like I've always wanted to do. Yes, I sometimes thought of being an assassin. And I kid about that. But anyway, I think it was around February 11th or 12, I started feeling really ill. Thought may be whatever it was going around the office finally made its way to me. But the headaches and the crappy stomach ache was a bit different from what I'm used to when I would get ill. Something told me that I needed to, well, take a few home tests. So I bought one, took it, and, well, it came up positive. I thought to myself may be it was bit off, so I took the second one the next morning. That, too, was positive. So at work, I sat there, a bit shocked, went up to the U of M to pick up girl scout cookies, still felt a bit shocked. Never let on that I thought I could be pregnant. Got home, took the third test, again, positive. So I e-mailed a friend, told her I had her cookies ready, as well as the possibility that I could be pregnant. Yeah, I know how to break news in the strangest of ways. So with her told, and another one to go - whom, by the way, made it seem like I ran over her cat - I was walking around with the biggest smile on my face, yet crying my eyes out. I swear, the difference between reactions was like night and day! Eventually the sullen one came around, and now she is all kinds of excited and ready to be an "aunt".

After taking about 6 tests, all six having a positive reading, I decided to tell my mother. Of course she was excited. Now you have to understand, I am the youngest of 3 children, the only one without children, and the one that said that she would never EVER have children! Ever! So there is a bit of irony in the whole thing. I was afraid of what my mother would say, but she was all kinds of excited! Father, he, too, was excited. Basically the immediate family was excited because I was the last person they would have thought would have children.

So now, 7 weeks into the whole thing, and I'm finally about to sit here and blog about the fact that I am pregnant! There, I said it! I'm actually going to be bringing a little life into this world, and I am scared as hell! Excited, but scared. I know I have a lot of family and friends who will be willing to go through this with me, but still I just don't know how I'm going to be able to do this! This is going to be one of my greatest tasks, and I just pray to God that he will give me the strength, and the common sense, to do what is right by the little one.

By the way, according to my father, the "Baby Gods" have told him that I'm having a girl. Let's just see. So for now, just wanted to let everyone know that I will be blogging from time to time about my journey with this whole process: the 33 weeks left of my pregnancy, doctor's visits, day to day occurrences with family and friends...the whole kit and kabooddle!

And just so that you know, I took 10 tests total, including the one at my doctor's office to confirm that I was pregnant, and all 10 were positive.