Saturday, March 15, 2008

So I added this to my Myspace page....

Okay, I am super excited about this kid, but I have got to tell you...there were times when I was younger, when people would ask if I would ever think about having kids, I would give the same response: The day I have children would be the day I would bring about the appocolypse! Now, you may ask, why would I ever think that? It's because, well, I wasn't a bad child, by no means at all. But I was sneaky. Yes, I did things, and never got caught. And to this day, my family do not know the extent of my evilness. And when I would get into trouble, it wouldn't be more than "oh, so cute, but don't do it again", or something along those lines. My mother, however, knew I was far from the innocent child that my grandmother and the rest of the family thought I was. Now, don't get me wrong, I was not the demon seed of Satan or anything. I didn't set people on fire...just small insects and paper, that's all.

Anyway, I decided to post this:

Now I thought that this was perfect! I just have this strange feeling that my kid will be the one to bring an end to something...if not the world, at least world famine and all other evil deeds. I'm going to have a special child, no doubt...but how special, I guess that will be up to me and the All Mighty! Just pray for your souls, people. And don't put anything past him/her, cause I won't!

DUDE!! I found this one, and it's also posted on the page. This actually goes with the background.

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

1 comment:

Crystal Chick said...

I've been thinking more and more about how things are going to be with J as a teenager. I'm terrified! :)