Okay, so I was trying to be all big and bad today, try to be strong, tried not to cry, but it was too much to handle, and I broke down. I had my ultra sound, and this was the second one. The first one only showed about a quarter-sized dark area, and nothing else. It was where the baby would eventually grow, but still, it was too early to tell how far along I was.
Well, today, there is no question. I am officially with child. According to the ultra sound, I am 7 weeks and 2 days along. And it was awesome! I mean I was just lying there, with this wand thing, again, probing me, and I got to see my little peanut. I admit, I cried, just a litte bit. I was more amazed than anything though.
Then the tech was like "You want to hear the heartbeat?" Now why give up a chance like this, while lying in stir-ups? I said sure, and there is was: the fastest little heartbeat ever! I even got to see the heart beating. It was awesome, I tell you...AWESOME!! I am so excited, people, I just don't know what to do with myself! Well, I guess go to sleep for a bit. Yes, that is what I'll do!
1 comment:
so precious!
Well, today, there is no question. I am officially with child.
Somehow I think you're not going to be sure until the baby comes out of you. If 10 tests and a few ultrasounds aren't enough to convince, the real thing will have to be. lol. ;)
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