That's basically what I thought when I found out one of the craziest things in the world. I found out that God, for real, has a great sense of humor. So much so that he decided that it was time for me to bring a life into this world, rather than allowing me to take one out, like I've always wanted to do. Yes, I sometimes thought of being an assassin. And I kid about that. But anyway, I think it was around February 11th or 12, I started feeling really ill. Thought may be whatever it was going around the office finally made its way to me. But the headaches and the crappy stomach ache was a bit different from what I'm used to when I would get ill. Something told me that I needed to, well, take a few home tests. So I bought one, took it, and, well, it came up positive. I thought to myself may be it was bit off, so I took the second one the next morning. That, too, was positive. So at work, I sat there, a bit shocked, went up to the U of M to pick up girl scout cookies, still felt a bit shocked. Never let on that I thought I could be pregnant. Got home, took the third test, again, positive. So I e-mailed a friend, told her I had her cookies ready, as well as the possibility that I could be pregnant. Yeah, I know how to break news in the strangest of ways. So with her told, and another one to go - whom, by the way, made it seem like I ran over her cat - I was walking around with the biggest smile on my face, yet crying my eyes out. I swear, the difference between reactions was like night and day! Eventually the sullen one came around, and now she is all kinds of excited and ready to be an "aunt".
After taking about 6 tests, all six having a positive reading, I decided to tell my mother. Of course she was excited. Now you have to understand, I am the youngest of 3 children, the only one without children, and the one that said that she would never EVER have children! Ever! So there is a bit of irony in the whole thing. I was afraid of what my mother would say, but she was all kinds of excited! Father, he, too, was excited. Basically the immediate family was excited because I was the last person they would have thought would have children.
So now, 7 weeks into the whole thing, and I'm finally about to sit here and blog about the fact that I am pregnant! There, I said it! I'm actually going to be bringing a little life into this world, and I am scared as hell! Excited, but scared. I know I have a lot of family and friends who will be willing to go through this with me, but still I just don't know how I'm going to be able to do this! This is going to be one of my greatest tasks, and I just pray to God that he will give me the strength, and the common sense, to do what is right by the little one.
By the way, according to my father, the "Baby Gods" have told him that I'm having a girl. Let's just see. So for now, just wanted to let everyone know that I will be blogging from time to time about my journey with this whole process: the 33 weeks left of my pregnancy, doctor's visits, day to day occurrences with family and friends...the whole kit and kabooddle!
And just so that you know, I took 10 tests total, including the one at my doctor's office to confirm that I was pregnant, and all 10 were positive.