Sunday, July 26, 2009

9 Months, and all is well!

For our 9 months celebration, I took the Peanut and two of my nieces to the beach. It was absolutely wonderful! I would love to move to some remote location one day with the baby, leaving happy and free...

Oh, yeah, right...this blog is about the 9 month old that I have now. It's amazing ow much she's doing now. She's standing on her own, trying to snap her fingers when she dances, it's crazy! I can't believe that in a few months, she will be a year old. I just sit here and watch her clap her hands when she hears music, and when she sees something she likes. Like right now, we're watching Wall-E, and she is so amazed by the people on the screen. She does this with Harry Potter as well...mostly when Hagrid is on the screen. I guess all of that fur makes him look like a big teddy bear.

Well, I guess that's just about it for now. I'm just waiting on the little one to pass out and go to sleep.


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