I've been slacking, I know, but with a new year comes work, and more work, and our "new year" in our office actually begins on February 2nd, so we've been like busy little bees getting out bills and stuff, and I've been busy filing forms and documents with the SEC and different secretaries of state, so yeah, haven't had a lot of time to post here. But I have been getting the chance to enjoy my little bunny! Can you believe that she's 3 months now? THREE MONTHS OLD, PEOPLE!! I'm still a little shock myself, that I now have a three month old daughter, and she's learned to scream...really loud! And then laugh about it! It's amazing! She has such a big beautiful smile. I'm enjoying every minute of it...and it's great that my mom calls me to tell me about some of the goofy things she does, and I can hear her in the background, cooing and "talking" to mom, or me when mom puts the phone to her ear. Oh, and I know that people don't like for their children to do this, but she sucks her thumb. I say let her do it, dang it! She's happy and at peace when she's doing it, so let her be! None of this taking it out stuff.
Anyway, that's about all for now. Nothing new within the last few minutes because she's now alseep. Oh! She really REALLY likes apple juice. Trying that now, not something to give her too often though, but she likes it. Well, it's bed time for me. Go check out my book blog...I'm about to head there really quick to post my progress. G'nite!
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