Hi everyone! It's me again! I've taken over my mom's blog because, as you can see, she's a bit slow. It's been about two weeks since her last entry, and she acts like since she's started back to work, she can't just take a little time out to give you all my progress. I don't see what's the big deal. All she has to do is get up in the morning, get dressed, get me dressed, feed me, take me down to my grandma's room, and then go to work. She calls to check up on me in the middle of the day, you know, so she's a whimp. Can't go a full day without calling to check up on me. It's hilarious!
Anyway, what has happened since the last entry: oh, yeah, like I've stated before, she's gone back to work. Started last Monday. She's having a bit of trouble getting up early, like she did before I came along (or so that's what I hear her say, I wouldn't know the difference being that I was in the dark most of the time). During that time, I've been with my grandma. She's a funny lady. I smile at her when she tries to do some things that she hasn't done in almost 16 years. My grandpa is funny as well...he just stares at me and make these really funny noises that make me laugh at him. They still think it's gas, but I'm actually laughing at them. They're all pretty funny, especially with grandma takes her teeth out...she looks just like me when she does that!
I'm lifting my head up longer and looking around, especially when I hear my mama's voice. I follow what I think is her when she goes up the stairs, or when she walking around the couch. Sometimes she'll dance and sing to me, and make up the funniest songs ever! My mama is a fun lady, but like I said earlier, she's pretty slow. HA!
As for today, it marks my 8th week on this side of the world. In some circles, that would make me 2 months old. Wow, already? I know, right? That just means that I'll be sitting up more, holding my head up more, trying to push my little legs under me and things like that. Mom is always encouraging me when we have tummy time to push up my head so I can look at her. Sometimes I laugh at her when she's doing it because, well, you know, she's got this high pitched voice, so she sounds like a chipmunk or something. Other times, I just don't feel like pushing up, so I'll just lay there and talk to her. She thinks I'm cooing. I'm actually telling her that I'm tired and I don't want to do tummy time right now, so let's turn me back over and feed me! Apparently she's been feeding me well because I'm probably about 13 or 14 pounds now. You see, my mom has weighed me in her own way by getting on the scale while she's holding me, and subtracting her weight by herself from our combined weight. She's going to trip when she finds out how much I actually weigh next week. Yeah, we've got my 2 month check up next week, and she has it in her head that I'm going to be getting some shots, or something like that. She better be ready because if this hurts, I'm setting her out like there's no tomorrow... and she better buy me a pony after that!
Well, that's about it from my side of the world. Hopefully next time my mama will be up and running, and won't have me up here, typing out her blogs. Come on, woman, don't make me plan on putting you into a nursing home before you're even old enough to be in one, okay?
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