Well, as of yesterday, Peanut is a week old. Still a bit in shock, you know, but it's okay. I'm slowly but surely getting used to it. As I twittered earlier, I sit and watch her sleep. Of course I don't just look in her face the whole time, but I watch as she sleeps in her bassinet. It's adorable!
I just played a few songs on my iPod while she was sleeping. Some of the songs she cracked what I call her "gas" smiles: you know the ones where it looks like the baby just passed gas and there's a little smile that follows. Then there were others where she kind of looked like she cringed. She doesn't too much like Celine Dion, so I'll have to hold back on some of her songs.
I'm constantly waking up in the middle of the night and finding her in different "poses". I call them poses because I'll find myself snapping a picture of her in whatever position she's in. In this latest one, I thought it was interesting that it looks like she's thinking, trying to figure out ways to keep me awake, of course.
Oh, yesterday, my whole purpose of doing this blog: she had her one week check up. Everything is fine, and of course, and she is advance in her weight and size (length wise). Would you think it would have been any other way? Not I! I mean this kid is turning over onto her side already. What's next, she's going to start walking in a few weeks? HA! Hey, it could happen! May be not in a few weeks, but she could start walking early, like I did. I mean she did come out of my body, so I'm pretty sure she may take on several of my traits. She's already frowning in her sleep, like me, and the hand over the head thing, all me.
Okay, so I feel like I rambled enough. I need to check her diaper for poopies, and then take a nap myself. You may be asking yourself "Do you think you'll be able to get to sleep after disturbing her from her resting state?" and I say yes. I have magical powers! So good night all! Love, hugs and kisses!

I think, therefore I am!
Just got a call from the lady that was working with me and the whole breastfeeding thing while in the hospital. I thought it was kind of sweet...almost made me cry a bit!
I tried on a few pair of my heels today, and I can wear them now! My feet are shrinking back to normal, so far!
Aw, so cute. I need to see here again! Soon!
Now, leave that little girl be. She doesn't even know if she's wet/dirty. Get your rest, change her when she wakes.
PS. Resinol *rocks* for diaper rash. You have to ask the pharmacist for it.
@Crystal: Fine, fine...everyone keeps telling me to get rest and let her alone, but I just can't help it!
My nursing consultant called me too after WT was born and I thought that was super 'customer service!' Baptist doesn't do that, I don't think. Anyways, get your rest and she is so beautiful still!
I of course say take as many photos as you can!! I love that one, she's thinking alright. Hmm, if I do this mommy will take a picture.
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