Sure, I bet you're all thinking "How in the world does the baby know about this?" Okay, not so much feeling bogged down, stressed or what not, that's how the baby knows. More movements and such, I can tell. Anyway, all of this to say that I started my new job last week. And let me just say, it is NICE!! I love it! I get there, and there's my name on my door. Look, I mean I walk in on the first day of my new job, right before I go into training, and my name is on my door. I don't have a cube, or some little space in a corner near a hot ass window...a door, and I'm happy. I can close it if I need privacy, which isn't a big deal in our office. As a matter of fact, this place is so laid back, man. I don't know, it's just too wonderful! I'll post some pictures that I took from one of the training rooms later.
Other than that, my little peanut will soon be seen in 3D. I've set up an appointment for a 3D ultrasound next weekend, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm still a bit scared about it, mainly because I'll get to see the little features and everything. And we will finally put to rest if peanut is for sure a boy or girl...even though I know for sure, in my heart of hearts that I'm having a little girl. Until then, enjoy this "Take Me To Your Leader" shot...I say that cause she looks like a little alien.
Enjoy! I'm going to bed!
1 comment:
look at you, big shot, with your name on your office door. *so proud* i'm really glad it's less stressful and you're enjoying it right now. you need as little stress and worry right now. your main focus should just be on that little one growing inside you, and nothing else.
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