Saturday, August 30, 2008

32 weeks, which means...

I am almost ready to pop. So does that mean if my belly button sticks out, I'm done? LOL! I saw that as a joke on one of these baby sites.

Anyway, I'm in my 32nd week, and I have at least 8 more weeks to go. You guys, I'm 8 months pregnant! Can you believe that? I am just amazed at how far I am, and how little time I have. So what else is there to do? Oh, yeah...have the little beauty...right, right.

Why did I have a dream last night about Iron Man, and he had a daughter, and he quit his job at the Ford factory, which was a part of the U of M campus? Then these transformers came out and were looking for him and his daughter...they were the dinosaur kind. And one was so tiny, just about the size of a small dog, but he was mean. Oh, and when Tony Starks quit his job at the factory, his boss was all like "What about your future? How are you going to take care of yourself and your daughter with no health insurance coverage?" And I was thinking to myself, man, do you not know who he is? He could buy your plant, restructure it, and still have money left over to buy your plant again and again for another 50 or more rounds! Bump your health coverage question, not to mention the millions he probably makes in stocks and junk. Come ON! Anyway, it was a crazy dream.

I'm going to go and clean up now. Got some shoes to put away, clothes to put away. I'm thinking of doing a huge ebay sale of some of the things I have, just to get rid of the clutter. I've got shoes I've probably worn only once, and I should sell them. Anyway, laters people!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So I went back...

And finished up m session that we started on Saturday. I swear, this kid is a trip! As you can see in the photos, she had her foot in the way. Flexible kid!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

This little darling is STUBBORN!!

So today we went to get the 4D ultrasound done, and guess what? This little girl is just as stubborn as ever! So she was facing my back, giving us all a little show of her spine. Great, I know your spine is healthy. We've been through this, little girl, so why don't you just roll on over and give us a big old smile? Nope! Don't wanna! I jumped around, ran around, rolled the tummy around, and nothing. Not even a peak-a-boo! She did, for a split second as you can see, rolled around enough to give us this peak. But oh, no, like she's done in the past, she rolls back over, and won't move.

Until now. I just finished lunch, and she's rolling around, kicking, punching, doing all of the little things a little organism would do when she's trying to be difficult to her mother. I am going to tickle her so badly when she gets here!

Edited at 12:56 am
Still rolling around and kicking. So, this chick is going to be a night owl! Oh, she's gonna get such a tickling from the tickle monster!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Okay, so it's a b...

Baby GIRL!! I so totally didn't know I was going to find out today, or before Saturday, but I had to go in for an ultrasound (doctor's orders) and the one that I have scheduled on the weekend wasn't going to work for the doctor (her words, not mine). So today, this morning, I headed out to Germantown (so forgot that this guy has an office near my house by Methodist North), and prepared myself. I was determined to find out what I was having today! So we go in, and not only do we see this huge head kid (she's under my boob, for real), but we try to see exactly what she is. Now, at first, the tech said it was a boy because, of course, with the legs crossed, and the feet in a particular spot, it looked like a little boy. And for the life of me, the little one would NOT move it's leg. So we poked and giggled, and moved, and finally, after clinching her fists, little Peanut decided to move her legs enough to show that she was, in fact, NOT a boy. So yes, I have a little girl! So for everyone that doubted my psychic motherly abilities, I say shame on you! I may not be able to give out Powerball numbers, but I know my body, and I knew I was having a girl. Trust me, this is a girl. So check out the pouty face little big head alien, and enjoy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Guess what?

We'll find out on Wednesday!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oh, and the hormones are REALLY kicking in!

Do you remember as a child when you would get tired, you would get grumpy? Well, I have been feeling that way a lot lately. This past week, I swear, I as a mean as a, well, I don't know. I was just really mean this week! Everything made me angry, and it all came to a head on Friday! I swear, I couldn't stay happy to save my life. Every few minutes, I wanted to just cry and curse! I would talk on the phone to people, trying to get information, and I would want to go off when I'm told one thing, and knowing another thing could be done to speed up the process. People were driving like old people with molasses in their tail pipes! I mean, I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. I just was not in a good mood. All the while, I was apologizing to the Peanut for feeling so iky. Don't like to feel like that at all!

Today, however, I am chilled. I'm listening to music...although my hips, arms, and feet feel aweful. I'm even happier that when I went to refill my prescription today, it was ready and it didn't take 24 million hours to get it! Nor did it cost an arm and a leg (which was my biggest fear because I haven't paid my COBRA insurance for this month because my insurance from the new job is kicking in soon). So yes, I am in a good mood! Now, let me go and do some moving around, work out this pain in my hip.

A Eulogy for the iPod

Today, I am here to celebrate the life, and death, of the 4GB iPod Mini. For years, you have brought me much happiness, playing music for me to help me get through my days of working in the Office of Admissions. I listened to you for hours, telling people to “Move, Get Out the Way”, just like Ludacris, as well as wishing them to “Be Blessed”, the way that only the likes of Yolanda Adams can do. You brought me joy, like Anita Baker (even though I don’t have that one downloaded yet, so I need to get it), and made me think of PiƱa Coladas. Yes, my mini, I will surely miss you. Although I will, in no way, miss how you would so many times cut off, for no reason, while I was in the middle of singing a song. No, I will not miss the countless hours of you being in a “frozen” state. And no means of being fixed. No, I will not miss that at all. Especially since that one day I get to work, and you’re completely empty. Yes, that day made me realize that it was time for you to go. Erase my damn songs off of you without any explanation! Stinky iPod Mini.

That’s why, although I am sad to see you go, I will welcome in your replacement: The iPod Touch! Yes, now I can feel mad with Ne-Yo, have it all with The Jets, just feel so much better now. And Now my days at work will go by quicker. And Peanut can enjoy her baby jams, or at least the tracks I have picked out to play while she gets to sit back in her little water world.

Now despite the fact that you messed up a bit, again, I will be sad to see you go. You leave behind the songs that you did house for me for these last few years (although a lot of the ones that I did have on you are no where to be found, thank you very much). No matter…I will begin a new life with my iPod Touch and be happy. Thank you for your service, Mini. There will not be a burial, nor will there be a stomping of the Mini in the front yard to symbolize my anger of missing a few hours of songs. No, that would not be a good thing. No, you will be put into the electronics graveyard with all of my other products that suddenly died…with the exception of the wireless mouse that exploded in my hand. That was thrown away with the quickness. R.I.P., Mini.

We will FINALLY find out for sure that Peanut is a girl or boy, although I know in my heart of hearts she's a girl, dag nabit!

Monday, August 11, 2008

So now we finally have some of the latest pics of me!

So my friend Crystal and I went to the Brooks Museum, mostly to get some shots of me. I hadn't had any pictures taken of myself since she took them back during the 1st trimester, so we figured it was about time for some more. Especially since I have a basketball tummy now. I'm still amazed about it all. I can't wait to meet little peanut. But for now, I'm going to just give you a taste of what went on that day. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

so there has been a slight change...

Peanut's name has changed. I have decided to give the baby, if it's a girl, a really nice name, and I'm not going to say what it is, until after the ultrasound on the 23rd. Yes, I have rescheduled the 3D ultrasound, so everyone will be able to see the little one, and all of it's glory.

Other than that, had a few nights this week where I had to work late, so I'm pretty tired today, which is funny: I got up at 10, and I haven't had a nap yet. Hmmm...