Sunday, April 27, 2008

So what happened this week?

1) I got my information in the mail concerning my insurance. Yes, I have insurance through COBRA, and it costs an arm and a leg. And that's a whole damn lot!

2) I filed out an application to become a notary public. My license expires April 18, 2012. So now, if you need anything notarized, give me a call.

3) Baby peanut has been swimming around. It's been pretty interesting though. All of the little flutters and gasious feelings have actually been baby peanut. It's kind of crazy, yet pretty cool!

4) I have decided that I will design a baby crib for baby peanut rather than going out and buying one. I will design it, and my uncle and I will make it. I'm really excited about it!

5) One of my friends and I have figured it out: Baby peanut will probably be born between October 13th and October 15th. Those two dates, you may ask? Well, I said that she/he will be born on the 13th, while she said it will be on the 15th. Well, I say it's between those two days because the full moon actually falls on the 14th. So we're calling it that week. But of course, it depends on when baby peanut is ready to show up! Either way, I'm looking forward to baby peanut's arrival!

That's, well, that's about it. Good night everybody!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

So now I'm confused...

When people ask me "how far along are you?" I was able to say 12 weeks 4 days, or 11 weeks 2 days. Since Tuesday, I have been confused. Sure I know not to always go by what the docs say because no one can really tell you exactly how far along you are, but according to the ultra sound and what the lady said to me, she put me at 13 weeks and 4 days, which would make me now at 14 weeks. Honestly, I'm just glad that the morning sickness is over, and I'm looking forward to the baby bump.

Oh, the new thing I'm experiencing now: acid reflux! WOO HOO! Now I had it before I was pregnant, but not to the extent I'm at now...waking up in the middle of the night, coughing due to the fluid flowing upward and junk. Oh, the joy! But oh, well...I keep a bottle of water next to me at night, which in turn adds to the extra water that fills the bladder and causes me to creep to the bathroom at night, thus scaring the sister-in-law that is freaked out by my ninja stealthiness. Well, I'm about to head to church. Smooches!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Why they keep changing the birth date?

So people, today I had the genetics testing, which was basically the ultra sound, the blood test, and consultation. People, the baby is A OK, if you can't tell by the picture. Ain't she/he just the cutest little thing? I am super excited, you guys!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

12 weeks and 2 days...

And it's not like it was magical or anything, but the morning sickness is gone. Actually, it stopped a few days ago. I'm still super duper tired, but that is to be expected because I am anemic. So other than that, nothing has since changed. Pretty soon, I would like to post some belly pictures. Right now, I just have one of those big bellies cause I've gotten fat...not from the kid, but just because I am. :o)

But anyway, all is well! I'm feeling good, and I'm about to go and eat some din din!

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Follow-Up to Yesterday's Doctor's Visit...

Damn, don't you just jump and cringe everytime you watch "Final Destination", when chick gets hit by the bus? I do!

Anyway, went to my follow-up visit today, and come to find out, the bleeding was the expelling of the cyst. I know you all wanted to know about that, right? But yeah, that's what it was, and I got the chance to hear the little bugger again. It was so cute, it kept moving around, and the doctor tried to catch the heartbeat. Like it was playing a little game. So cute!

But yeah, that's what it was, and let's just hope that everything goes okay with the rest of the pregnancy. For now, I need rest. So good night!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

So what had happened was...

Okay, yesterday, I had myself a bit of a scare. I went to church yesterday morning, sang my heart out, got home aroun 3 (cause I took the nieces to get some food), got home, used the bathroom, and, well, I had a little bleeding going on. Not a lot, but enough to tell my mom let's go. Well, we didn't leave just then. I called my OB/GYN, she called me back, told me to lay down, prop up the feet, and if it continues on, then go into the ER. Well, I did just that, took about an hour nap, and around 5, I woke up, went to the bathroom, showed my mom what was happening (cause yes, my mother wants to know everything that's going on), and off we were to Methodist Germantown (where I normally get my ultrasounds). So we get there, and it's about 6. Check in, and we wait. We wait, and we wait. So much so, we got to see one broke foot, one broken arm, one lady that was throwing up into a garbage can, and eventually passed out onto the floor (she said she wanted to lay down), and one girl that looked to be drunk. Now, I didn't want to think that she was drunk, but probably having some sort of episode. But homegirl was being rude to her mom, stumbling all over the place, telling people she don't want no wheel chair, and she don't want no help...things like that. But anyway, yeah, I got to see folks like that.

OH!! And this rude woman...okay, the broke foot woman's husband brought in a newspaper and some more stuff in his bag (food and etc), and he walked his daughter outside because, understandably, she didn't want to watch the vomiting woman doher thing. So when he walked out, his wife was left, reading his paper. She gets called back into the triage room, puts her paper down, and this little lady (not with the woman and her family), sits in her seat and starts reading her paper. I said to her "you know, that's someone else's paper, right?" And she was like "I know". And this other woman, who was sitting near by, said to her "She said that's someone else's paper", and the woman said "SO! So What!" And kept reading. Right at that time, the man returns, walks over to his stuff, and the woman looks up and looked like a damn idiot, putting the paper back down, and then just walked back over to where her party was sitting. Hey, I was trying to have her avoid the humiliation of having to answer to the guy when he asked "What are you doing?" Attitudes were already running rampid in the ER, what else did she want to happen, huh?

Anyway, back to me, since I'm the important subject here. So finally, I get called back, get blood drawn, urine sampled, and taken upstairs for an ultrasound. Well, when we started, there she was, baby peanut, now about 4.4 centimeters from head to rump, 11 weeks, 2 days old. Moving around, waving, having the hicups, trying to hide, swimming around. So the baby was fine, placenta was fine, 163 heatbeats per minute. The only problem I had was th 6 cm fibroid on the right side of my uterus, but it wasn't anywhere near the baby or the placenta. There was also a small cyst, that would dissolve itself. Now, if this is causing the bleeding, I don't know, but I will be talking to my OB/GYN tomorow about it. So that was my adventure for today. I was there from about 6pm until 11:30pm, which wasn't too bad. So right now, I'm going to bed, and I'm heading to work in the morning. So good night, and good morning.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

11 weeks, 1 day, and we feel like we're...

Growing a bit. eah, it feels like my uterus is about to plump out of my stomach. Man, it's still amazing that I've got a little life growing in there, ain't it? Nothing much to report this week, with the exception of me having to go to the doctor on Monday because I was ill this weekend. Yeah, it pretty much sucked. They had to draw blood to check my blood glucose levels, and I have to return next week for the results. Hope all is well though, cause I really don't like feelingeven more ill than I already will have to. But other than that, I'm still super excited! WOO HOO!!!